Difference between v1.11o and v1.11p

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Difference between v1.11o and v1.11p

Post by charlieb »

I was reading a thread where someone mentioned two-handed weapons show up as "(Two-Handed)" in your inventory and how it screws up megamud...then I noticed that we don't have this problem...then I realized we were running v1.11o.

I can't find release notes on v1.11p...what did they add/change?

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Re: Difference between v1.11o and v1.11p

Post by BearFather »

From the release notes:

1) Fixed some regen related problems.
2) Fixed a problem with monsters regenning out of place.
3) Added new sys list lim commands:
sys list newlim
sys list newlim monster
sys list newlim user
sys list newlim user username
sys list newlim name itemname (must be first word in item name)
sys list newlim map mapnumber
4) Fixed a memory leak with regards to monster generation.
5) Added a coin sweep option to offline utilities.
6) Added a new ini flag for returning items/coin to players
if they try to purchase from an NPC with the wrong
amount. To enable this feature add the following to your ini:
If there is no entry for this, then it will behave as
7) Added a command that allows players to do a top list by class:
example: top warrior
8) Fixed a crash related to robbing other players
9) Fixed a problem with Saracens giving too much experience.
10) Fixed a problem with Saracens not regenning in some areas.

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Re: Difference between v1.11o and v1.11p

Post by Zyph »

Maybe a small thing, but noticed most recently that a Remove@Maint (in addition to the Del@Maint) flag has been added to orc-head in 1.11p.

Reason it was noticed is a user was trying to get smash quest and kept losing all their heads at cleanup (of which I have twice per day, sometimes more if doing work on the board) which can be very frustrating, and I felt it was asking a bit much to force someone to come up with the requisite 50 heads within 12 (or 24) hours depending on cleanup regularity, so I've used Nightmare Redux to remove the flag from that particular item.

If I had the time, I wonder if any other item had this flag added that would make it more of a pain than necessary to complete a quest. Suppose we'll see as people play and comment! Or if I ever have a day to spend following up, will update on here.

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