Rooms Help

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Rooms Help

Post by syntax »

required rooms
-sysop support - 164/1
-halls of dead - 2189/1
-rhuduar - 2519/2
-khazard - 1249/6
-lostcity - 426/16
-newhaven - 2150/1
-earthen tomb - 142/1
-jail - 540,541,542,543/1
-starting room - 2140/1

(other people have reported needing more/different jail and other room #'s)

rooms help

Delay = monster regen time in that specific room.

Min Index = The minimum monster index number that will regen in that room, refers to which Monster Type (see below) youhave the room set for.

Max Index = The maximum monster index number.

Spell = Any spell that is set to cast when someone walks in the room. Such as the sandstorm in the desert, or frenzy near the sysop trainer.

Max Regen = How many monsters regen in that room.

Death Room = A specific death room other than the "Death Rooms" MajorMud has assigned as the default, such as Halls of the Dead, etc. I am only assuming this.

Exit Room = If the user exits the game in this room, the exit room is where they will be when they come back.

Cmd text = A message or text block (not sure which) that a user must do to trigger something in that room. Not for exits like "pull lever", that's in the Exits screen.

Shop# = The number of the shop in the wccshop2.dat, or in the Shops window, if the room is set to be a shop.

Light = Not for sure exactly how its used, but it determines how much light is in the room, weather people will need a torch or not, etc.

Ansi Map = the default here is the ansi map for silvermere. if the user types 'map' in the room it will display the file specified here.

Attributes = 1 Patrollable, 2 Patrollable & Protected (safe room?)

Max Area = How many monsters are allowed in the area, ie rooms 3000-3100. Whatever rooms you have set to follow one specific control room.

Control Room = The one room that is in charge of all other rooms in the area. if you had rooms 3000-3100 as a new area, set them all to have control room 3000, and set the Max Area in room 3000, while being able to leave Max Area at 0 for the rest of the rooms in the area. Also, this is the room you can go into and do a "sys reset area" to reset the regen in the whole area if it dies or something.

Room Type = Pretty self-explanitory with the dropdown menu. Lair is for a monster room.

Monster Type = The Type of monster to regen in that area. All monsters are assigned a Type, such as Group 1, Angel, NPC, etc, and an Index number, which is used in the Min/Max Index. Monster Type is the broader heading, which is broken down into the Min/Max Index.

room parameter info (this not 100% accurate)

how to read this:

--[exit type]
para 1. description
para 2. description
1. entering 1 in para 2 would mean...
2. entering 2 in para 2 would mean...
3. entering 3 in para 2 would mean...
para 3. description
para 4. description
1. entering 1 in para 4 would mean...
2. entering 2 in para 4 would mean...

1. Spell to open
2. Type of spell exit-
1. Open
2. Closed
3. Passthrough
4. Permanent Open
5. One Time Closed
3. Message Block
4. Spell to close

1. Key required
2. Status - always locked
3. Picklock difficulty
4. Number of 5 minute blocks to stay open

1. Item Required
2. Message on failed passage
3. Message on passage

1. Amount in gold which will be charged

1. Message displayed

1. Type of hidden exit-
1. Hidden Passable
2. Hidden Need Search
3. Visible Searched
4. Visible Blocked
5. Blocked - 1 action
6. Blocked - 2 actions
7. Blocked - 3 actions
8. Blocked - 4 actions
9. Blocked - 5 actions
10. Blocked - 6 actions
11. Blocked - 7 actions
12. Blocked - 8 actions
13. Blocked - 9 actions
14. Blocked - 10 actions
15. Hidden Once
16. Permanent Visible
2. rounds remaining
3. What the room sees when the passage opens (message)
4. What you see as the exit when you look

1. State - always locked
1. Locked
2. Chance to picklock/bash
3. Number of 5 minute blocks to stay open
4. Key required

--[map change]
1. New Map number

1. Max Damage
2. Type of Trap-
1. Active
2. Inactive
3. Hidden
4. Active mov
5. Inactive m
3. Message on passage
4. Message on fail

1. Move through exit string one
2. Message #-
-(line 1) What the user sees
-(line 2) What the room left from sees
-(line 3) What the room entered into sees
3. Description for exit

1. State - always locked-
1. Locked
2. Chance to picklock/bash
3. Number of 5 minute blocks to stay open
4. Key required

--[remote action]
1. message #-
-(line 1) Remote Action word one
-(line 2) Remote Action word two
-(line 3) Remote Action word three
2. # of rounds
3. message #-
-(line 1) What the user sees when they do the action
-(line 2) What the room sees (UN)
4. item required

1. Class Allowed
2. Class not allowed
3. Message on failure
-(line 1) What the user sees when stopped
-(line 2) What the room sees

1. race Allowed
2. race not allowed
3. Message on failure
-(line 1) What the user sees when stopped
-(line 2) What the room sees

1. Minimum Level
2. Maximum Level
3. Message on failure
-(line 1) What the user sees when stopped
-(line 2) What the room sees

1. message #-
-(line 1) What the room sees on opening (%%s)=(direction)
-(line 2) What the room sees on closing (%%s)=(direction)
-(line 3) Msg to user when moving into closed exit (%%s)=(direction)
2. Number of 5 minute cycles
3. Status (open=0/closed=1)

1. Item Required
2. Message on failed passage
3. Message on passage

1. Max Users allowed through
2. Current count of users

-[block guard]
1. Minimum Alignment Required
2. Maximum Alignment Allowed


1. Spell before move
2. Spell after move
3. Message on passage
4. Can you look?

1. Ability Required
2. Minimum value
3. Maximum Value
4. Message on Failure

-[spell trap]
1. Spell Number
2. Type of Trap-
1. Active
2. Inactive
3. Hidden
4. Active mov
5. Inactive m
3. Message on passage
4. Message on fail

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Re: Rooms Help

Post by Kraklaha »

Could I suggest including into this help file for NMR for remote actions:

There is a popup context menu when you hover over that explains:
# = the exit number (0 to 9 for North through Down) that this action effects.

-if there are 2 or more actions needed then add 10 starting with the first action to each remote action's para2.

-so a room that needed 3 remote actions on the South (1) edit would have in para2: 11 for the first action, 21 for the second, and 31 for the third.

-a room that needed only one action on the NE (5) exit would just need a 5 in the para2 field.

So we know that you have to use 0-9 and i've deduced that
North = 0
South = 1
East = 2
West = 3
Northeast = 4 (process of elimination)
Northwest = 5 (from crimson fort 15/1075 but is different than your context menu)
Southeast = 6 (from crimson fort 15/1077)
Southwest = 7
Up = 8 (process of elimination)
Down = 9 (used in 1/1442)

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Re: Rooms Help

Post by BearFather »

The 0-9 matches what's in the exit panel on a room. Also good idea to have an example on how to do a remote action might be nice.

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Re: Rooms Help

Post by Kraklaha2 »

context menu.PNG
context menu.PNG (8.55 KiB) Viewed 12715 times

Makes it difficult when you step away for a bit and then come back and have to re-remember it all LOL

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