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Neutral Alignment Quests

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:25 pm
by syntax
First - Level 10, 150k exp

From MMB:
  1. Ask hooded traveler quest
  2. Ask Jorah gaal / Ask Jorah teleport
  3. Ask The Grey Lord (called TGL from now on) code word / Ask TGL teleport
  4. Ask Commander Markus festus
  5. Ask TGL box
  6. Ask Chancellor Annora festus
  7. Ask TGL return
From MudVille:
  1. Start with the hooded traveller in the inn.
  2. Greet hooded
  3. Ask hooded quest
  4. Go to Jorah in the Blue Tower
  5. Ask Jorah gaal
  6. Ask Jorah transport
  7. Ask Grey Lord missions
  8. ask grey code word
  9. ask grey teleport
  10. Go to Markus in the Dragon Teeth Hills.
  11. Ask Markus festus
  12. Go back to the Grey Lord in the tower
  13. Ask grey box
  14. Go to Chancellor Annora in the monastry
  15. Ask Annora festus
  16. Go back to the Grey Lord
  17. Ask Grey Lord return
  18. Ask Grey Lord teleport

    40,000 experience and the black and white serpent ring which will increase hit point regen by 1/3.
From MudCentral:
  1. Goto Hooded Traveller in Silvermere
  2. Greet Hooded
  3. Ask Hooded quest
  4. Goto Jorah in the Darkwood Forest
  5. Greet Jorah
  6. Ask Jorah Grey Lord
  7. Ask Jorah transport
    He will transport you to the Floating Citadel
  8. Goto Grey Lord (north from where Jorah sends you)
  9. Greet Grey
  10. Ask Grey code word
    (He gives you a code word 'Festus' to pass on to Commander Markus)
  11. Ask Grey teleport (He will teleport you to Town Square)
  12. Goto Commander Markus (In the Black Mountains)
  13. Ask Markus Festus
    (He gives you a box ((not in your inv)) to deliver to the Grey Lord)
  14. Goto Grey Lord (Via Jorah again)
  15. Ask Grey box
    He takes your box and gives you another to take to Annora (won't show in your inventory)
  16. Goto Chancellor Annora
  17. Ask Annora Festus
  18. Goto Grey Lord (Via Jorah)
  19. Ask Grey return

    You have completed the first neutral quest! You a black and white serpent ring and 40K exp!

Level 20 - 2 mill exp, stat bonus

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:23 pm
by syntax
Reward Update, as of v1.11o:
  • Warrior, Witchunter, Paladin, Mystic: +1 max damage
  • Cleric, Warlock: +1 AC, +6 mana
  • Priest, Mage, Druid: +1 SC, +10 mana
  • Missionary, Bard, Gypsy: +4 mana, +6 bs min/max, +1 stealth
  • Ninja, Thief, Ranger: +10 bs min/max, +2 stealth
From MMB:
  • Ask TGL eye (that was easy, wasn't it?) (do not need to be in the room for beholder's death - just get his eye one way or another)
From MudVille:
  • Go to the Grey Lord and speak to him
  • Kill the Beholder and take his eye
  • Give the eye to the Grey Lord.

    Rewards: All classes get 100,000 experience.
    Individual class rewards:
    Bard: +1stealth , +5 bs damage , +4 mana
    Cleric: +1AC, +6mana
    Druid: +1sc, +10 mana
    Gypsy: +2 stealth, +2b bs damage, +4 mana
    Mage: +1 sc, +10mana
    Missionary: +stealth, +bs damage, +mana
    Mystic: +max damage, +stealth, +bs damage
    Ninja: +6 stealth, +12 bs
    Paladin: +1 max damage
    Priest: +1sc, +10 mana
    Ranger: +6 stealth, +13bs
    Thief: +2 stealth, +10 bs damage
    Warlock: +ac, +4 mana
    Warrior: +1 max damage
    Witchunter: +1 max damage
From MudCentral:
  1. Goto Grey Lord
  2. Ask Grey Missions
  3. Goto Beholder

    Getting to Beholder:
    1. If you have a lock picker you can avoid all of the key portions and just pick the doors open.
    2. Goto Huge Basilisk located in the mirrored halls of the Ancient Ruins
    3. Kill him and take the chrome key he drops
    4. Start wandering around the ruins looking to kill dragon serpents
    5. There are five different colored serpents that drop fangs, you will need one of each color
    6. Once you have all 5 colors White, Black, Green, Blue and Red you need to find the dragon carving
    7. It is located off an exit you cannot see (in the ancient ruins) unless you read the room description and see the alley
    8. You type 'go alley' to get into the room with the dragon carving
    9. To create a dragon key, you now put each fang into the dragon carving in the order of White, Black, Green, Blue and Red
      insert white fang
      insert black fang
      insert green fang
      insert blue fang
      insert red fang
    10. Out will pop a dragon key (it just shows up in your inv)
    11. Use the dragon key to open the door to your west.
    12. After going through the dragon key door, you bash the next door to the west and go west, then all the way south
    13. You will find a locked door to the south, this is where you use the chrome key from to Basilisk
    14. Find the room with the library in its decription, there is a trap to the northeast (where you are going)
    15. After going northeast you go one room north and then walk through the wall to the east
    16. Move painting then go west and south and you will see a secret passage now open to the east
    17. Go east into the Beholders room and kill him
    18. Take the eye of the Beholder when he dies
  4. Goto Grey Lord
  5. Ask Grey Eye
Quest Complete, you will get a stat enhancment that varies for each class along with 100K exp

Level 30 - 7.5 mill exp, chest

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:26 pm
by syntax
From MMB:
  1. Goto overgrown shrine and type pray
  2. Ask Gnomish Inventor helm (maybe helmet or may have to "ask inv" first)
  3. Ask Water Spirt tear (wear gnomish-fish helm when going to the spirit.)
  4. Kill Kai Master, Gemstone Juggernaut, and Efreeti in any order. (Must be in the room for their deaths)
  5. Go to overgrown shrine, and type summon avatar
  6. Ask TGL reward

    You will get a chest to open and 500K Exp
From MudVille:
  1. Visit the Grey Lord
  2. Ask the Grey Lord about Missions
  3. Visit the Wandering Cleric
  4. Ask Cleric about Aerdwyne
  5. Visit the Shrine and pray
  6. Collect the following:
    • The Ice Tear - Water Spirit - Underwater Lake
    • The Eternal Flame - Efreeti - Lava Tubes
    • Heartstone - Gemstone Juggernaut - Redstone Tunnels
    • Storm Spirit - Kai Master - Top of Mountain
  7. Return to the Shrine and Summon Avatar
  8. Return to the Grey Lord and tell him of your success and collect your 500,000 points and reward..
    Now, for more details...
    Be sure you have about 2,000 encumbrance free to accept the rewards!
From MudCentral:
Items required to complete this quest are:
  • Climbing harness (For getting to Kai Master)
  • Gnomish Fish Helm (For getting the Water Spirit)
  • Mine Pass (For getting to the Gemstone Juggernaut)
  • Magma Amulet (For getting to the Efreeti)
  1. Goto Grey Lord
  2. Ask Grey missions
  3. Goto Overgrown Shrine (Located in the Misty Swamp)
  4. Once there type 'Pray'
  5. Goto Gnomish Inventor (In the gnome village)
  6. Ask Inventor Helm
  7. Goto Water Spirit (Located under the frozed caverns)
  8. Ask Spirit Tear
  9. Goto Efreeti (Located in the lava tubes below the lava fields)
  10. Kill the Efreeti
    Upon his death get an eternal flame (It just appears in your inventory)
  11. Goto Kai Master (Located above the red stone tunnels above Khaz)
  12. Kill the Kai Master
    Upon his death you we get a storm spirit (It just appears in your inventory)
  13. Goto Gemstone Juggernaut (Located in the Dwarven mines east of Khaz)
  14. Kill the Gemstone
    Upon his death you will get a Heartstone (it just appears in your inventory)
  15. Goto Overgrown Shrine
  16. Once at the shrine type "Summon Avatar"
  17. Goto Grey Lord
  18. Ask Grey Reward

    Quest Complete, you will get a chest to open and 500K Exp

Level 40 - 30 mill exp, class cloak

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:29 pm
by syntax
Update 3/5/16: None of this is necessary at all except for the stuff you need to *GET* to the dark phoenix. Once you complete 3rd quest simply kill the DP. There are no quest flags changed from the time you complete the 3rd align quest up until you kill the DP.

From MudVille:
Items you need before you start this quest:
  • Rope and Grapple
  • 1 Runic
  • Magma Amulet
  • Wooden Skiff, Silverbark Canoe or Log Raft
  1. Go to the Grey Lord and ask him about missions.
  2. Ask the Grey Lord about threats
  3. Kill the King Crab and equip his claw.
  4. Go to Seher'Sahham
  5. Ask Seher'Sahham about the water portal
  6. Ask Seher'Sahham about fee
  7. Ask Seher'Sahham activate
  8. Get the golden idol from the chest in the wrecked ship
  9. Kill Fire Knights until you get a red rock key.
  10. Kill the Red Demonling and get the polished key.
  11. Kill Lesser Efreetis until you get a feathered key.
  12. Kill the Dark Phoenix
  13. Return to the Grey Lord
  14. Ask the Grey Lord Destroyed

    Your reward: 2,000,000 experience and a loyal quest cloak.
From MudCentral:
Items required to complete this quest are:
  • a flotation device (skiff, silverbark canoe, log raft)
  • golden idol
  • magma amulet (can be gotten later on from behemoth hellhound hides if needed)
  • 1 runic
  • king crab claw
  • severed dragon claw
  • red rock key
  • polished key
  • feathered key
  1. Goto Grey Lord
  2. Ask grey missions
  3. Go through the waterfall on the western end of the Silver River
  4. kill king crab
  5. dig with the claw
  6. Goto Seher'Sahham
  7. Ask Seher'Sahham fee (make sure you have 1 runic)
  8. Go through the water portal
  9. pick up a golden idol in lagoon
  10. Go through the roof in NW corner of Lost City
  11. Goto Gaunt One Messenger
  12. greet messenger
  13. Goto Gaunt One Elder
  14. greet elder
  15. ask elder agreed
  16. Goto Aged Earth Dragon
  17. kill him
  18. Goto Gaunt One Elder
  19. ask elder claw
  20. Goto volcano
  21. kill red demonling
  22. kill lesser efreeti
  23. kill dark phoenix
  24. Goto Grey Lord
  25. Ask grey destroyed

    Quest Complete, you will get a cloak and 2 mil Exp

Level 50 - 175 mill exp, class weapon/spell

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:34 pm
by syntax
From MMB:
  1. First, I want you to thank the gods of mud that you're not on the good or evil quest. They have it 10 times harder than you'll ever know. I take that back, you will know, because it's gonna take 20 people to quest them and you're gonna be one. Har.
  2. Ask ancient gypsy woman grey lord
  3. Kill the mayor of Arlysia. Kill the Chrono Trigger rip-off that he turns into. Take the webbing.
  4. Ask ancient gypsy woman webbing
  5. Kill the hanging tree. Bring cudgels. Lots of em. Or die. It's upto you.
  6. Ask ancient gypsy woman heart
  7. Ask old hermit gift (or is present? some shit like that...)
  8. This part sucks. Let me see if I can recall... Go north in the library until you hit a mage statue. Keep going north while trying to go down every room until you can. I think it's about 3 rooms. Then go n n n e n n and through a wall to the sw.
  9. Kill the rotting beholder
  10. pull lever (original, huh?)
  11. Question this freak until you realize you just gave that sociopath on the front steps the power to become the lich. "HA-ha!" - Nelson, The Simpsons
  12. He should warp you out to the bone island. Have light sources. place tongue in slot, put eye in socket, something like that... I may have them reversed. Anyway, a mirrored portal should appear. You have 15 minutes until it poofs. Do not fuck up.
  13. Go portal, and follow the path (beware the wraith knights) until you get to a dead end. There's a hidden exit to the sw, I believe... I forget whether it's a walk-through or have to search but I think the former.
  14. Kill the midnight dragon and beat on the tapestry until it shreds. Rest. Get prepared. Don't wait til the mirror portal closes though. Go tapestry
  15. Kill the dark mage. Have one sacrifical lamb drop everything but a shitty magic-5 (I prefer the jewel-encrusted warhammer myself) and go portal, attack the lich and run like hell so the lich chases.
  16. Sacrifical lamb makes a MAD ASS DASH back to bone island, goes portal, prays the wraith knights don't own him, go tapestry. Everybody go portal, and spell and rest up.
  17. < NOTE: Killing the Lich is OPTIONAL >

    Kill Zanathus the Lich. If at ALL possible, have a warrior with the ruby-encrusted bracers to keep him stunned for 2 rounds. Beware, three things:
    1. The ruby bracers will hit another party in the room
    2. The lich has an instant death spell
    3. The lich has a room effect drain spell that does upto 450. This is the fun part though: MR does not effect drains. So there's absolutely no defense. Most lich parties have at least 12 people, so he'll likely be unwounded if he gets off a necromantic storm.
  18. Go back to quest leader and claim your prize.
From MudCentral:

Generic Order:
  1. grey lord,
  2. to old timer,
  3. to ancient gypsy,
  4. to mayor of arlysia,
  5. to ancient gypsy,
  6. to hanging tree,
  7. to ancient gypsy,
  8. to old timer,
  9. to rotted beholder,
  10. to island of bone,
  11. to hideous face,
  12. to colossal midnight dragon,
  13. to dark mage,
  14. to grey lord !
  1. grey lord,
  2. old gypsy woman,
  3. old timer,
  4. arlymayor,
  5. ancient gypsy,
  6. tree,
  7. ancient gypsy,
  8. old timer,
  9. beholder,
  10. maximillian,
  11. old timer (warped asylum),
  12. bone isle,
  13. hideous face,
  14. dragon,
  15. mage,
  16. grey lord.
Directions to Rotting Beholder
library directions from the first room after the gate,
n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, n, d (even though there is no exit),
n, n, e , n, n, sw (even though there is no exit) and there's the rotted beholder.
PS: I'll let you all figure out how to get out..


on the e, n, n, sw (there could be one more east and one more n) not at my
comp to check it right now, but i think thats it...

Walk Through

ask the missions The Grey Lord grows silent for a few moments, until finally his voice echoes in your head. "We face a grave time before us Champion of Balance. The tangled web this dark mage weaves has enveloped almost all of my agents into various tasks. He truly knows our workings to well I fear." He lets out a long sigh of frustration before continuing. "It would appear I once again depend upon you to further our cause in this matter, nothing has been found out concerning this dark one or his insidious plans, but that is of no matter since either way him, and they, must be stopped. All avenues of knowledge have been depleted, save one. Long ago there was a library that housed the greatest works of that time, alas the way to that place has been cut off by some dark force. I do not think it a coincidence. Find now a way to this library in the town of Arlysia, speak to whoever you can, be it someone who has traveled far, or those who rely on fortune to find their way. Whatever it takes you must find this library and return to me with whatever KNOWLEDGE you have learned." The neutral lord then turns his thoughts inward and speaks no more.

*** Find Ancient Gypsy Woman *** ask wom grey lord

The gypsy woman gazes at you, "So you know of the Grey Lord..." You tell her of the mission you have been sent on and the help you were told you would receive. The gypsy woman nods her head, "True I am indebted to the Grey Lord, though it is for a favour before we walked the thin line of Neutrality. Very well, as you represent the Grey Lord, you shall even the scales. What he asks is no easy task and so, to truly even our balance, another favor must be done for me, and it is you that must carry it out." She pauses for a moment and begins a slow chant, she abruptly claps her hands and a fog appears showing you an image. The image is that of a aging man in fine clothes, with a look of animal terror on his face. You notice that his eyes twitch with unusual agility, and it almost seems like they bulge into clusters at times. The gypsy's aged voice returns you from the image. "That is the shell of the Mayor of Arlysia, he was once a man of nobility, but the disease that has befallen this land has effected him as well, he does not know it but something has infused him with a horrid abomination of undeath, an Arachnigoth. A spider of great unholy power that is soon about to come forth from it's shell and devour the souls of the crippled town", a look of sadness flashes across her wrinkled face, "He was always a fair man to me and my people, he does not deserve such an end. To draw out the beast you must slay the mayor." This causes her a pause, and she continues again, "I also require that you bring back one pile of it's spectral webbing that it will surely drop upon it's death. Return this WEBBING to me, and we shall get to the business of the dark power that threatens the balance we must protect."

*** Kill the Mayor Of Arlysia, and collect 1 webbing ***

ask wom webbing
The gypsy gazes at you, a look of despair in her milky eyes... You give the webbing to the old gypsy. The wise woman nods her head slowly, "I thank you for completion of this task traveler, and now to business we shall begin." Again the gypsy pauses, and with a clap of her hands a cloud appears from thin air. Inside the cloud you see a tumultuous lake, huge waves tossing back and forth. Suddenly an island comes into view, a creation of horror, and dark island with a fortress of bones within the center. The gypsy begins her tale, "You are viewing what was the Crystal Lake, and the island that lies in the center of it. While I still am researching I have determined the resident within is the source of all our troubles, the island became this almost a year ago, after the disappearance of he who was called Valion Darkbane. Events seem to unfold that show the one called Zanthus is about to return, and the prophecy of plague is about to occur, most likely at the same time." Without warning the cloud explodes with a loud flash, the stench of death is thick in the air. You can tell the woman did not expect this as she rubs her hands in silent agony. "It would seem my crying has been caught by our watery neighbor, it is of no matter." She continues with her tale, "I was but a young giorvan when Zanthus himself was banished, but I clearly remember the events there after, one who was called Helvectus, a young farmer's boy at the time, but it became very clear that Zanthus had dug his claws into that boys soul." The ancient shakes her head sadly, "Helvectus followed in his master's footsteps and learned all he could when it came to death and dark arts. He joined the library and became known to have strange habits, which eventually lead to his banishment." Her face seems to drift off into a vision of long ago, but she quickly recovers. "This is merely speculation on my part but it is my belief that Helvectus is he within the island of bone, and he is attempting to join his master by bringing about his prophecy, and enacting his own, the prophecy of plague. Your next task now i s one of peril, but necessary." Another cloud appears and shows a horrific abomination, a massive black tree with humanoid limbs hanging from all branches. "The Hanging Tree as it is called, once it was used for justice, but now it has been corrupted, you must slay the creation of evil, and take it's wicked heart from it. I wish only to see it, but you must ultimately take it to the old hermit that guards the library of Arlysia, inside the library you will find more answers. Come back when you have the HEART." The cloud vanishes and she lies back, exhausted from her story.

*** Kill the Hanging Tree ***

A mammoth crack appears in the center of the perversion of nature and it falls over, splitting in two. A great gush of blackness floods out from both open ends, causing rot and decay to assault your nostrils like a battering ram. You identify a filthy black piece of wood in the bottom half of the tree that appears to be the heart which you were sent to recover. Grabbing onto it, it seems unusually warm and splatters the foul midnight fluid all over your hands. With all your strength you rip it free of the stump, and a final death wail is uttered by the tree.

*** Now Return to Gypsy Woman ***

ask wom heart
Noticing her wagon seems more messy then when you left it, you shake the ancient gypsy woman, she doesn't seem responsive... With a great pounding force you are struck with the realization that the gypsy woman has been attacked! You check for signs of life, and a shallow rattle escapes her ribcage, showing her still breathing. It is evident whoever did this had sinister plans in mind, most likely whoever is on the island. You decide you must take the artifact of evil to the hermit with great haste.

*** Find Old Hermit ***

ask old gift
The hermit gives you a leer... The old man lets out a wicked cackle as you hand him his gift. The old man clutches his gift greedily, and hands you a jagged bone key, "With this ye may open the door to the library." His old eyes suddenly alight with mischief and he grins, saying "Consider ye warned that the place is not the great monument of knowledge and peace it once was." With a final cackle the hermit tells you, "Be sure to stay out of the Inner Sanctum, people tend to get cranky if you be disturbing them in there." Lastly he adds, "Should you ever misplace your key, you may remind me of this, and I may happen to have another on me."

*** Now Kill Rotting Beholder ***

*** Now Talk to Old Man (Maxmillion) ***

ask old prophecy
Maxmillion nods his head, "It is a curse of many names that all take the same path. The one who invokes the prophecy becomes a terrible creation of dark power. One who corrupts the balance and destroys all around him." He gives you a strange cackle with a toothy grin. "It's very simple really, and only a matter of time." He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He seems to meditate before he begins, "Long ago I was under the tutelage of a mad man by the name of . He was obsessed with this very rite. Unfortunately I learned as much as him and thus caused my downfall for his dark apprentice has captured me and held me here so that he may know the steps. I speak this freely because I have given up hope that anything else can be done, and so I begin. Through the use of blackest magic he can begin a transformation of himself which causes a loss of the natural body and devouring of his spirit. As you may guess he becomes a shell of undeath. Someone who belongs no more to the land of living or death. This shell still leaves most of his mind intact but as always insanity sets in when one fools with their own mortality. Using the heart of a dead monster of great evil he opens a link between himself and the negative planes, which becomes the source of his dark power, for the plane is infinite in evil and death. The heart is placed within a container of some sort, so that it stays living even in death." The old man starts to wheeze. "Once in this form he has power over the souls of his enemies, with a finger he can blot them from existance, with a wave he can drain their life, with a sweep he can destroy an entire town. There is no thing against him which can sto p his power, he will become a diety of death and death shall walk the land as soldiers of his blasphemous army." He begins to look very somber. "The full prophecy is one man shall invoke the rite, and he shall become as death, and he will link a dark fold to the realm and all shall be vanquished by him." You can tell the story has taken alot out of him and his aged skin stretched like dried papyrus over his bones, turns starkly pale as he slumps to the ground. Finally he gasps out in ragged breaths "Take...tongue and eye...go...island...shall him...shall come again."
ask old portal
He begins to shake as his hands move in mystical patterns, a sliver of darkness appears in the air and begins to grow, the room seems to shake and then, You find yourself...elsewhere.

*** Find Hideous Face ***

at the face, place eye in socket
place tongue in hole
A strange howl erupts from the hideous face! The hideous face vanishes, leaving a mirror in it's place!
go portal, find dragon
kill dragon & the ancient tapestry
after killing the ancient tapestry, it will become a shreaded tapestry go tapestry when you are ready for the mage...

*** Kill the Dark Mage***

You gain 4,000,000 experience! Cackling insanely the dark mage says to you, "I Zanthus will not be stopped by pathetic worms like you. Hurry now back to Silvermere, for soon the town shall be plunged in the grip of Death!" He vanishes within the portal, laughing with glee. The yellow portal of bone beckons you on, the crushing defeat of failure weighing upon you, feeding your need for revenge.

*** Rest up, and Enter Portal ***

Kill Zanthus the Lich You gain 4,000,000 experience!
go portal once more and... You step near the portal, and are suddenly consumed by it! Cold, chilling numbess surrounds you. All is black, and you feel as if you are in a vaccuum that is devouring your soul. Suddenly you are high above in the air, overlooking a city that looks ......hauntingly familiar.....yet this city is none like you have seen before, full of corruption and death. A horrid stench rises up causing you to choke and gag.... Something is pulling at you, tugging at your life strings! You feel yourself drawn to the far side, the eastern side, but it's not where it would be! You descend rapidly towards it and yet abruptly come to a halt. A great tug of war ensues over you, and you find yourself flung backwards through the streets. A loud thud drops you in the middle, but no one seems to notice..... To the south you see a dark, wretched tower, rising over the city like a skeletal finger. East is a gargantuan fortress of blackness. North is a land filled with the poor, the plagued and the wretches. You are certain now you have never been here, and yet the buildings tug at your mind. Unexpectadly you are surrounded by black armoured men, with skulled great helms, and cruel weapons....then a portal appears, causing them to snarl and back away! You are sucked in and then.... A plane of black surrounds you, only a single silver light draws your notice. Without thought you are at the source. It is the Timelord! Yet it is not. Various differences are about him, before you can contemplate further his voice echoes in your mind: "Spare your curiousity for what you have just witnessed. Too soon you shall experience it personally. Destiny is taking more control now, and the master of the pawn that was Zanthus is moving again. You however are no pawn, your path must be chosen, if you do not pick, Destiny shall pick for you. Such is the way of things. Forces must be aligned for the next Great Struggle. You shall be in it whether where you have been, or where you can go. The struggle of the Three shall continue, until the cycle of this re alm ends. Yet many strive to ruin it, in their interest. Zanthus was only the first, many shall come after...." He nods his head. "Go now, wait for the next challenge." And then, you are somewhere else....

Pier Also here: boatman. Obvious exits: north, south

*** Return to Grey lord with the KNOWLEDGE you found ***

ask the knowledge
You feel the Grey Lord's impassive gaze upon you... You quietly inform the Grey Lord of your travels to Arlysia, contact with the ancient gypsy, and eventual knowledge gained from Maxmillion concerning the prophecy which Zanthus prepared. He takes all of this in with his same impassive stare, showing nothing of emotion. Finally you speak of your failed attempt at destroying the newly created Lich. You note with some distress the slight frown that approaches on the neutral one, before it quickly vanishes. Finally his voice is heard in your mind, A piece of grey silk appears before you, covering something which seems to expand and contract, the Grey Lord signals you to take it and you grasp the silk and place it in your inventory. You turn back to him only to see him wave you away. His voice faintly echoing in your skull..

Fifth Neutral Quest Rewards

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 12:36 pm
by syntax
Warrior, Paladin, Ninja, Ranger:

#: 1584, Name: Flamemasher, Type: 1H Blunt, Damage: 19-41, Speed: 2400, LVL: 50, Str: 0, Enc: 190, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25
>> Abilities: Magical +5, Rfir +25, LoyalItem, AC, NeutralOnly -- Casts: [ice freezes, Damage 5 to 15, 25%]

#: 1585, Name: paired dragonblades, Type: 2H Sharp, Damage: 26-64, Speed: 3500, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 250, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25.71
>> Abilities: Magical +5, LoyalItem, Rcol +25, Rfir +25, Rlit +25, NeutralOnly -- Casts: [fire burns, Damage 5 to 15, 25%], [ice freezes, Damage 5 to 15, 25%]

#: 1586, Name: sapphire chakram, Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 14-40, Speed: 2100, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 160, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: 0, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25.71
>> Abilities: Magical +5, LoyalItem, Alter HP +150, Rlit +25, NeutralOnly -- Casts: [lightning shocks, Damage 5 to 15, 25%]

Missionary, Thief, Bard, Warlock, Gypsy:

#: 1590, Name: Windblade, Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 14-36, Speed: 2000, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 50, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: 0, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25
>> Abilities: NeutralOnly, Magical +5, LoyalItem, Rlit +25 -- Casts: [frost hits, Damage 2 to 8, 25%]

#: 1591, Name: petrified mace, Type: 1H Blunt, Damage: 17-35, Speed: 2200, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 150, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: 0, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 23.64
>> Abilities: NeutralOnly, LoyalItem, Magical +5, BsMinDmg +20, ResistStone +25 -- Casts: [knockdown, Accuracy -5, AC -10, HoldPerson +1, Dodge -20, for 4 rounds, 20%]

#: 1592, Name: acid slasher, Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 12-37, Speed: 1900, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 150, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: 0, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25.79
>> Abilities: LoyalItem, NeutralOnly, Magical +5, BsMinDmg +20, ResistWater +25 -- Casts: [acid sears, Damage 5 to 15, 20%]


#: 1587, Name: Frosthand, Type: 1H Blunt, Damage: 20-36, Speed: 2200, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 120, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25.45
>> Abilities: Magical +5, LoyalItem, Rcol +25, NeutralOnly -- Casts: [ice freezes, Damage 5 to 15, 33%]

#: 1588, Name: stone warhammer, Type: 1H Blunt, Damage: 22-40, Speed: 2400, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 200, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 25.83
>> Abilities: Magical +5, LoyalItem, ResistStone +25, NeutralOnly -- Casts: [rocks shred, Damage 5 to 15, 100%]

#: 1589, Name: hammers of balance, Type: 2H Blunt, Damage: 24-58, Speed: 3000, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 250, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 27.33
>> Abilities: Magical +5, Quality +100, NeutralOnly, LoyalItem, Rlit +25, ResistStone +25 -- Casts: [purified, Damage 10 to 15, 100%], [hellfire burns, Damage 5 to 30, 100%]


#: 1593, Name: staff of scales, Type: 2H Blunt, Damage: 5-28, Speed: 1865, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 100, AC: 1/0, Acc: 0, BS: No, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 17.69
>> Abilities: Magical +5, LoyalItem, Alter HP +50, NeutralOnly, Dodge +10

#: 1594, Name: jeweled dirk, Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 4-20, Speed: 1700, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 65, AC: 0/0, Acc: 0, BS: 10, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 14.12
>> Abilities: Magical +5, NeutralOnly, LoyalItem, HPRegen +50, BsMinDmg +20, BsMinDmg +15


#: 1595, Name: MagiRavager, Type: 2H Sharp, Damage: 30-69, Speed: 3400, LVL: 50, Str: 100, Enc: 400, AC: 2/0, Acc: 0, BS: -10, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 29.12
>> Abilities: LoyalItem, NeutralOnly

#: 1596, Name: vorpal cutlass, Type: 1H Sharp, Damage: 21-47, Speed: 2600, LVL: 50, Str: 60, Enc: 150, AC: 0/0, Acc: 10, BS: 0, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 26.15
>> Abilities: Quality +1000, LoyalItem, NeutralOnly

#: 1597, Name: jeweled maul, Type: 2H Blunt, Damage: 30-60, Speed: 3100, LVL: 50, Str: 90, Enc: 200, AC: 2/0, Acc: 0, BS: -10, Limit: 0, Dmg/Spd: 29.03
>> Abilities: NeutralOnly, LoyalItem, Crits +5 -- Casts: [mana dead, HealMana -20 to -10, for 10 rounds, 35%]


#: 1038, Name: prismatic beam, Short: prbe, Magery: Mage-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 50, Diff: -110
>> Target: Monster or User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 145 to 690, EndCast [pris effect, EndCast [{yellow beam, Slowness +200, Accuracy -10, for 10 rounds} OR {violet beam, Confusion +15, EvilInCombat, for 10 rounds} OR {black beam, Illu -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly, for 10 rounds} OR {red beam, MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 10 rounds} OR {green beam, Poison 10 to 18, for 10 rounds}]], NeutralOnly

#: 1046, Name: protective shell, Short: prsl, Magery: Mage-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 25, Diff: -100
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 50 -- (@lvl 50): DR +5, AC +20, NeutralOnly, M.R. +30, for 55 rounds -- RemovesSpells(mageshield, ethereal shield)

#: 1074, Name: prismatic blast, Short: pbla, Magery: Mage-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 75, Diff: -120
>> Target: Full Attack Area -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 200 to 450, EndCast [pris effect, EndCast [{yellow wave, Slowness +200, Accuracy -10, for 5 rounds} OR {violet wave, Confusion +15, EvilInCombat, for 5 rounds} OR {black wave, Illu -500 to -100, AC -10, Accuracy -15, EvilInCombat, AffectsLivingOnly, for 5 rounds} OR {red wave, MaxDamage -5 to -1, Accuracy -5 to -1, for 5 rounds} OR {green wave, Poison 10 to 18, for 5 rounds}]], NeutralOnly


#: 1047, Name: boulder, Short: boul, Magery: Druid-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 45, Diff: -110
>> Target: Monster or User -- Attack Type: Stone -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 135 to 620, NeutralOnly

#: 1062, Name: barbskin, Short: barb, Magery: Druid-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 35, Diff: -90
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): DamageShield +8 to +12, DR +5, AC +10, Shock +2877, NeutralOnly, for 80 rounds -- RemovesSpells(barkskin, barkskin, stoneskin, glacial skin)

#: 1112, Name: earthbind, Short: ebin, Magery: Druid-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 30, Diff: -90
>> Target: Self -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 50 -- (@lvl 50): HPRegen +25 to +35, ManaRgn +25 to +35, NeutralOnly, for 80 rounds


#: 1060, Name: priestly benediction, Short: prbe, Magery: Priest-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 50, Diff: -140
>> Target: User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): Heal 10 to 17, NeutralOnly, for 10 rounds

#: 1096, Name: balanced word, Short: word, Magery: Priest-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 8, Diff: -100
>> Target: Monster or User -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 65 -- (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 25 to 100, EndCast [balanced word, (@lvl 50): Damage(-MR) 25 to 100, NeutralOnly], NeutralOnly, x5 times/round

#: 1099, Name: balanced sight, Short: bals, Magery: Priest-3, LVL: 50, Mana: 45, Diff: -130
>> Target: Full Party Area -- Attack Type: Normal -- LVL Gain Cap: 60 -- (@lvl 50): RoomIllu +200, Percep +50, NeutralOnly, for 130 rounds