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Level 60 Alignment Quest

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:32 pm
by Webslinger
Decided to work on prequesting the level 60 alignment quest. I appreciate you giving me the first clue 'lost' at Annora's. So, here's how it's gone so far. I have 2 (Web,Ammon) that are good aligned, one (Ronin) neutral aligned.

Good aligned - everything was going well until I got to the storm giant king. Asked him 'drow' and got this in response...goodaligned -51 8752:testability 126 33:giveability 126 34:text 10251

Neutral aligned - at amazon queen in lost city, asked her 'greylord' she said nothing. Thought maybe it was another npc instead of queen, so tried the same with the amazon craftswoman and amazaon battle master, nothing there either. I do realize there are 2 queens and tried them both.

Looked up certain textblocks on MME to see if I could figure it out (neutral) and am stumped.

Re: Level 60 Alignment Quest

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2016 8:09 pm
by BearFather
Ok ask the queen annora...whoops need to change that , and will have to fix the other textblock to fire correctly

Re: Level 60 Alignment Quest

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2016 6:49 pm
by Webslinger
So, after the update you made today, here's how it's gone thus far...

Neutral - Went to Old Amazon Woman and asked 'greylord', her response included the word 'troubles', which was highlighted, but when I asked her 'troubles', there was no response. Looked at her textblock and saw that there is a command for 'troubles' but it doesn't show a flag being given or any sort of response. There is a command for 'return', which she did reply too (and gave the flag for). She sent me back to The Grey Lord to ask 'drow'. Here's the response I got from him:

evilaligned -50 8752:goodaligned 29 8752:testability 127 34:giveability 127
35:addexp 300000000:text 10236

I did get the 300 million experience, but he did not mention the next step in the quest.