
Scripting suggestions, Ganghouse information.
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House Location Tax Shops Vaults Guards/Room Picklocks
150 gold
350 gold
Fungus Forest
550 gold
Darkwood Forest
750 gold
900 gold
Elder Grove
1000 gold
Black Fortress
1200 gold
Darkwood Forest
1500 gold
1750 gold
2000 gold

Information below contributed by "Nayr"
original site of documentation:

R e d H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the redhouse, which is nestled comfortably in the slums, south of Silvermere proper.Proper directions for this house would start at the shadowy healer, then go southonce and west once, then south four paces, then follow the path east. The firstnorth you come to will be this wonderful beauty. It is well guarded and sportsa resting room to soothe your wounds. USE this deed for the keys and emblem neededfor the guards. The plain key is for the front door. A tax of 150 gold is assessedeach night for the house.

Features: no Vaults, Restroom, 1 Guardian per room, 90 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Ruby Guardian, Casts: Dragonfire (80-320 Damage on Armour), Envelops (-6/8 hps/Rnd, 10 Rnds)

Code: Select all

     D G   #
     + +   |
-#-#-#-#-#-#       G = Grungy Shop
   #     R
   |     |         R = Rest room
   #-    1
   |     |         1 = 1x ruby guardian
   #   1-1-1
   |    \ /        $ = red key required, or 90 picklocks
   #-#   #
     |   !

O r a n g e H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the orangehouse, located on the edge of the slums, south of Silvermere proper. Proper directionsfor this house would start at the western door, merely keep your course northerlyand it is easy to find. This wonderous house is well guarded with a resting roomand a vault for safe keeping of items. It also comes with a shop which can beused as an extra source of revenue. USE this deed for the keys and emblem neededfor the guards. The plain key is for the front door. The deed can be used to controlthe shop, and the ornate key allows entrance into the vault. A tax of 350 goldis assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 2 Guardians per room, 110 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Topaz Guardian, Casts: Slow (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 20Rnds), Solid Fog (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 20 Rnds)

Code: Select all

                 S = Orange gang house Shop
  Slums           R = Orange gang house Restroom
                 V = Orange gang house Vault
  R-#-2          2 = 2x topaz guardian
  % | |
  V 2-2          % = ornate orange key required
    $ I
    #-S          $ = orange key required, or 110 picklocks
    #-#-         I = south only
    |       |
 -#*W-#-#-#-#    W = Western Door
    |       |

Y e l l o w H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the yellowhouse, is great for the rural get away, located in the fungus forest it can beeasily reached by starting at the gate of the grand stair. Follow these paces:Southwest, South twice, East twice, Northeast, Southeast, East, and then the housewill be to your north. It comes with a shop for commerce, two vaults and a restingroom. The plain key is for the front door. The deed can be used to control theshop, and the ornate key allows entrance into the vault. USE the deed to retrieveyour keys. A tax of 550 gold is assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 2 Guardians per room, 110 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Amber Guardian, Casts: Savagely Bites (Poison 10-16 hps/Rnd,100 Rnds), Entangle (Hold Person +100, 4 Rnds)

Code: Select all

               R         L = Grand Stair landing
   #         V 2 V
    +        %/ \%       R = Yellow gang house Restroom
     #       2   2
    /         \ /        V = Yellow gang house Vaults
   L           2
   |     |    $ @  |     S = Yellow gang house Shop
   #     #   #   S #
   |    / \  |   |/      2 = 2x amber guardian
   #-#-#   #-#-#-#
   | |       |    \      @ = southeast only
                         $ = yellow key required,
    Fungus Forest            or 110 picklocks
                         % = ornate yellow key required

G r e e n H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the greenhouse, located deep in the peaceful Darkwood forest, east of Silvermere. Fromthe blue tower you can go through a hidden path north to a burnt stump, from therefollow the path west and south and the mansion is easy to spot. The house comeswith several well trained guards, a vault for storing your precious items, anda resting room. USE the deed to retrieve your keys. A tax of 750 gold is assessedeach night for the house.

Features: one 1rm-Vault, 2 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Emerald Guardian, Casts: Savagely Bites (Poison 10-16 hps/Rnd, 100 Rnds), Entangle (Hold Person +100, 4 Rnds)

Code: Select all

           #   #-#-#-#
          /   @
         #   #              @ = GO STUMP, both ways
          \ / \
 2-2       #   #     Darkwood Forest
 | |\     /     \
 2 # 2   #       #
 | % |   |       |           2 = 2x emerald guardian
 2 V 2   #       #
  \  $  /        |           $ = green key required,
   2$# #         #                or 150 picklocks
      \|         |
       #         #           % = ornate green key required
        \         \
         #         #         V = Green gang house Vault
          \         \
           #         #
          / \        |
         #   #-#     #
         |            \
         O             #- To Aldreth etc
             To Blue Tower etc

B l u e H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the bluehouse, located just off the island north of Silvermere proper. On the main pathof the island head west and you will run into this masterfully built house. Itoffers a shop, a single vault and a room to ease your wounds. It is well guardedby the best mercenary guards. USE the deed to retrieve your keys, and use theemblem to signal the guards that the house is yours. A tax of 900 gold is assessedeach night for the house.

Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Sapphire Guardian, Casts: Lightning Hits (5-20 Dmg without armour), Forked Lightning (40-250 Dmg on armour)

Code: Select all

                 % = ornate blue key required
   / \           V = Blue gang house Vault
  3 V 3
  | % |          R = Blue gang house Restroom
  3 R 3
  | | |          S = Blue Gang house Shop
  3 3 3
  | | |          3 = 3x sapphire guardian
  3-3 3>S
       $|                                   $ = blue key required, or
        #-#        To Labyrinth                   150 picklocks
           \           /
            #-#       #  To Mossy Caves     > = east only
               \     /   /
        s-s     #-#-# s-s
       /   \      |  /
    s-s     s-s-s-s-s
   /              |
                  #                         s = The Silver River
                  P                         P = Pier (boatman)

V i o l e t H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the violethouse, found on the main path in the wonderous Darkwood forest, east of Silvermere.Take the path from the town gates and you will find it shortly before the demolishedbarricade. Inside this villa you will find a several guards to protect your vaultsas well as a shop to sell your items on the market. A tax of 1000 gold is assessedeach night for the house.

Features: Shop, one 2rm-Vault, 2 Guardians per room, 170 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Amethyst Guardian, Casts: Confusion (Confusion +25, 10 Rnds), Solid Fog (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 30 Rnds)

Code: Select all

                              2 = 2x amethyst guardian
Blue                          % = ornate violet key required
 etc      2%V-V>2      Darkwood Forest
   \      |     |
    #     2-2-2-2             $ = violet key required,
     \      |X|                    or 170 picklocks
      #     2 2
       \    $ I               I = south only
        #   #-S
         \  | |               V = Violet Gang house Vaults
         /     \              S = Violet Gang house Shop
        H       #
       ?         \
      #           #
     /|            \
   Elder            #-#
   Grove               \

B l a c k H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the blackhouse, found nearby the black fortress of the Blood God. Searching the weed fields,you can find this illustrious castle of fortitude. It is almost a castle on it'sown with its great walls and expansive rooms. Inside is a very secure vault anda room designed for curing combat rooms. A shop is provided for you right nextto the entrance so any visitors may peruse your excess items. USE the deed toget your keys, the plain one allows entrance to the front door. A tax of 1200gold is assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 180 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Onyx Guardian, Casts: Drain Life (Drain 2-12 hps), Spirit Horde (77-405 Dmg on armour)

Code: Select all

S = Black Gang house Shop
V = Black Gang house Vault
R = Black Gang house Restroom
3 = 3x onyx guardian
$ = black key needed, or 180 picklocks
% = ornate black key  * = southwest only

      Black Gang house ->   3-3-3-3-3-3
                            \    |  /    Black
                             3 #-3 3    Fortress
                              $   *
   U                           #-S
   |                           | |
   #-#-#           #-#-#-#-# #?#?#?#?#
        \          |   |   | ? ? ? ? ? <-- Black
         #         # # # S # #?#?#?#?#   Weed Fields
          \        | + | + | ? ? ? ? ?
                   | + | | | ? ? ? ? ? ?
                   # # # V # #?#?#?#?# 3
  Dreary   -->     |   |   | ? ? ? ? ?
  Village          #-#-#-#-# #?#?#?#?#

S i l v e r H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for a mansionof silver, found in the cleared fields just outside of Silvermere proper, thisexpansive palace has the comfort of city closeness but the privacy of the outdoors.The best guards have been hired to protect the house from burglars and scum, anda large two room vault for your valuables. A shop is right next to the entrancefor convenience of any visitors who pass by. The plain key allows access to thehouse while the ornate key allows you into the vault. USE the deed to acquirethe necessary items. A tax of 1500 gold is assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 130 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Silver Guardian, Casts: Blind (Blind User +1, Acc -8, AC -5, 60 Rnds), Tempest (80-365 Dmg on armour)

Code: Select all

            3%V>R                    % = ornate silver key required
             \ /
            3 3 3                    V = Silver Gang house Vaults
 -#         3 3 3                    S = Silver Gang house Shop
  |         |\ /|
S #         3 # 3                    R = Silver Gang house Restroom
i |         V $ |
l #         S-#<3                    3 = 3x silver guardian
v |           |
e-#   D-#-#-#-#-#       Darkwood Forest
r |   | | | | | |
m #   #-#-#-#-#-#                    $ = silver key required,
e |   | | | | | |                         or 130 picklocks
r #   #-#-#-#-#-#
e |   | | | | | |
 -#   #-#-#-#-#-#
  |   | | | | | |   <- Cleared Fields
  #   #-#-#-#-#-#
  |             |
  #   W G S B L #
  |   | | | | | |
  |   | | | | | |  \

G o l d H o u s e
This parchment is the deed for the greathouse of gold found in the northeastern part of Silvermere. Found on crown streetthis urban castle is two levels of majestic construction hand picked guards areused and trained to protect the house from the refuse of the city. Keys are providedfor the house with this deed, the plain gold key unlocking the front door andthe ornate gold key giving access to the two vaults inside. Right next to theentrance is a shop controlled by the house deed so you can set prices on whateveritems you wish to sell. USE this deed to retrieve keys for the house. A tax of1750 gold is assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, 3 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Gold Guardian, Casts: Energy Hits (10-40 Dmg without armour), Soulstrike (90-370 Dmg on armour)

Code: Select all

                            3 = 3x gold guardian
      Level 1               % = ornate gold key required
       3-3-3                V = Gold gang house Vaults
       | | |
       3 3 3    Level 2     S = Gold gang house Shop
       | | |
       3 U 3     V D V      D,U = down/up: Level 1 <-> Level 2
        \ /       %|%            (both rooms 3x gold guardians)
         3         3
   |     $ |                $ = gold key required, or 150 picklocks
   #   S-# #     Silvermere
   |     | |
-#-3-#-#-#-1-#-Crown Street
   |       |
 Guild   Brass

W h i t e H o u s e
The parchment deed listed here givesownership to the most expensive house currently built. Made from the best materials,guarded by guardians in diamond Armour, this house is an indomitable fortressof steel and stone with the though of keeping you safe from the outside elements.If there were an invasion of Silvermere this place would be your best bet forsafety. The finest dwarven locksmith was hired to protect the doors, as well asthe vaults found on the second floor of this house. With a resting room and aneasy to access shop, this house is the perfect mansion for a lord or a king. USEthe deed to get the keys needed to enter the house. Give the emblem to any youwish to have safe passage. A tax of 2000 gold is assessed each night for the house.

Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 160 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key

Guarded by: Diamond Guardian, Casts: Comet (20-80 Dmg on armour), Terror (Fear min: 60 max: 95, 10 Rnds)

Code: Select all

        Stone        Street
        #-#                        S = White gang house Shop
          #                        V = White gang house Vault
          |    Silvermere
          #                        R = White gang house Restroom
 -#-#-#-#-#-#-Oak Street           I = north only
    | |   |
    # S   #                        $ = white key required,
    $ I   |                             or 160 picklocks
  3-3-3   #
  |   |   |                             3 = 3x diamond guardian
  3 U 3   #                 V D V
  | | |   |                 $ | $       U = up to Level 2
  3-3-3  -#-#-Noble         #-#-#           [3x diamond guardian]
    |         Street
    R                      Level 2      D = down to Level 1
 Level 1                                % = ornate white key required

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