House | Location | Tax | Shops | Vaults | Guards/Room | Picklocks |
Slums | 150 gold | 1 | 0 | 1 | 90 | |
Slums | 350 gold | 2 | 1 | 2 | 110 | |
Fungus Forest | 550 gold | 2 | 2 | 2 | 110 | |
Darkwood Forest | 750 gold | 1 | 1 | 2 | 150 | |
Labyrinth | 900 gold | 2 | 1 | 3 | 150 | |
Elder Grove | 1000 gold | 2 | 2 | 2 | 170 | |
Black Fortress | 1200 gold | 2 | 1 | 3 | 180 | |
Darkwood Forest | 1500 gold | 2 | 2 | 3 | 130 | |
Silvermere | 1750 gold | 2 | 2 | 3 | 150 | |
Silvermere | 2000 gold | 2 | 2 | 3 | 160 |
Information below contributed by "Nayr"
original site of documentation:
R e d H o u s e
Features: no Vaults, Restroom, 1 Guardian per room, 90 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Ruby Guardian, Casts: Dragonfire (80-320 Damage on Armour), Envelops (-6/8 hps/Rnd, 10 Rnds)
Code: Select all
D G #
+ + |
-#-#-#-#-#-# G = Grungy Shop
# R
| | R = Rest room
#- 1
| | 1 = 1x ruby guardian
# 1-1-1
| \ / $ = red key required, or 90 picklocks
#-# #
| !
O r a n g e H o u s e
Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 2 Guardians per room, 110 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Topaz Guardian, Casts: Slow (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 20Rnds), Solid Fog (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 20 Rnds)
Code: Select all
S = Orange gang house Shop
Slums R = Orange gang house Restroom
V = Orange gang house Vault
R-#-2 2 = 2x topaz guardian
% | |
V 2-2 % = ornate orange key required
$ I
#-S $ = orange key required, or 110 picklocks
#-#- I = south only
| |
-#*W-#-#-#-# W = Western Door
| |
Y e l l o w H o u s e
Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 2 Guardians per room, 110 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Amber Guardian, Casts: Savagely Bites (Poison 10-16 hps/Rnd,100 Rnds), Entangle (Hold Person +100, 4 Rnds)
Code: Select all
R L = Grand Stair landing
# V 2 V
+ %/ \% R = Yellow gang house Restroom
# 2 2
/ \ / V = Yellow gang house Vaults
L 2
| | $ @ | S = Yellow gang house Shop
# # # S #
| / \ | |/ 2 = 2x amber guardian
#-#-# #-#-#-#
| | | \ @ = southeast only
$ = yellow key required,
Fungus Forest or 110 picklocks
% = ornate yellow key required
G r e e n H o u s e
Features: one 1rm-Vault, 2 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Emerald Guardian, Casts: Savagely Bites (Poison 10-16 hps/Rnd, 100 Rnds), Entangle (Hold Person +100, 4 Rnds)
Code: Select all
# #-#-#-#
/ @
# # @ = GO STUMP, both ways
\ / \
2-2 # # Darkwood Forest
| |\ / \
2 # 2 # #
| % | | | 2 = 2x emerald guardian
2 V 2 # #
\ $ / | $ = green key required,
2$# # # or 150 picklocks
\| |
# # % = ornate green key required
\ \
# # V = Green gang house Vault
\ \
# #
/ \ |
# #-# #
| \
O #- To Aldreth etc
To Blue Tower etc
B l u e H o u s e
Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Sapphire Guardian, Casts: Lightning Hits (5-20 Dmg without armour), Forked Lightning (40-250 Dmg on armour)
Code: Select all
% = ornate blue key required
/ \ V = Blue gang house Vault
3 V 3
| % | R = Blue gang house Restroom
3 R 3
| | | S = Blue Gang house Shop
3 3 3
| | | 3 = 3x sapphire guardian
3-3 3>S
$| $ = blue key required, or
#-# To Labyrinth 150 picklocks
\ /
#-# # To Mossy Caves > = east only
\ / /
s-s #-#-# s-s
/ \ | /
s-s s-s-s-s-s
/ |
# s = The Silver River
P P = Pier (boatman)
V i o l e t H o u s e
Features: Shop, one 2rm-Vault, 2 Guardians per room, 170 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Amethyst Guardian, Casts: Confusion (Confusion +25, 10 Rnds), Solid Fog (Speed +125, Slowness +200, 30 Rnds)
Code: Select all
2 = 2x amethyst guardian
Blue % = ornate violet key required
etc 2%V-V>2 Darkwood Forest
\ | |
# 2-2-2-2 $ = violet key required,
\ |X| or 170 picklocks
# 2 2
\ $ I I = south only
# #-S
\ | | V = Violet Gang house Vaults
/ \ S = Violet Gang house Shop
H #
? \
# #
/| \
Elder #-#
Grove \
B l a c k H o u s e
Features: Shop, one 1rm-Vault, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 180 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Onyx Guardian, Casts: Drain Life (Drain 2-12 hps), Spirit Horde (77-405 Dmg on armour)
Code: Select all
S = Black Gang house Shop
V = Black Gang house Vault
R = Black Gang house Restroom
3 = 3x onyx guardian
$ = black key needed, or 180 picklocks
% = ornate black key * = southwest only
Black Gang house -> 3-3-3-3-3-3
\ | / Black
3 #-3 3 Fortress
$ *
U #-S
| | |
#-#-# #-#-#-#-# #?#?#?#?#
\ | | | ? ? ? ? ? <-- Black
# # # # S # #?#?#?#?# Weed Fields
\ | + | + | ? ? ? ? ?
| + | | | ? ? ? ? ? ?
# # # V # #?#?#?#?# 3
Dreary --> | | | ? ? ? ? ?
Village #-#-#-#-# #?#?#?#?#
S i l v e r H o u s e
Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 130 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Silver Guardian, Casts: Blind (Blind User +1, Acc -8, AC -5, 60 Rnds), Tempest (80-365 Dmg on armour)
Code: Select all
3%V>R % = ornate silver key required
\ /
3 3 3 V = Silver Gang house Vaults
-# 3 3 3 S = Silver Gang house Shop
| |\ /|
S # 3 # 3 R = Silver Gang house Restroom
i | V $ |
l # S-#<3 3 = 3x silver guardian
v | |
e-# D-#-#-#-#-# Darkwood Forest
r | | | | | | |
m # #-#-#-#-#-# $ = silver key required,
e | | | | | | | or 130 picklocks
r # #-#-#-#-#-#
e | | | | | | |
-# #-#-#-#-#-#
| | | | | | | <- Cleared Fields
# #-#-#-#-#-#
| |
# W G S B L #
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | | \
G o l d H o u s e
Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, 3 Guardians per room, 150 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Gold Guardian, Casts: Energy Hits (10-40 Dmg without armour), Soulstrike (90-370 Dmg on armour)
Code: Select all
3 = 3x gold guardian
Level 1 % = ornate gold key required
3-3-3 V = Gold gang house Vaults
| | |
3 3 3 Level 2 S = Gold gang house Shop
| | |
3 U 3 V D V D,U = down/up: Level 1 <-> Level 2
\ / %|% (both rooms 3x gold guardians)
3 3
| $ | $ = gold key required, or 150 picklocks
# S-# # Silvermere
| | |
-#-3-#-#-#-1-#-Crown Street
| |
Guild Brass
W h i t e H o u s e
Features: Shop, two 1rm-Vaults, Restroom, 3 Guardians per room, 160 picklocks needed to get in house w/out key
Guarded by: Diamond Guardian, Casts: Comet (20-80 Dmg on armour), Terror (Fear min: 60 max: 95, 10 Rnds)
Code: Select all
Stone Street
#-# S = White gang house Shop
# V = White gang house Vault
| Silvermere
# R = White gang house Restroom
-#-#-#-#-#-#-Oak Street I = north only
| | |
# S # $ = white key required,
$ I | or 160 picklocks
3-3-3 #
| | | 3 = 3x diamond guardian
3 U 3 # V D V
| | | | $ | $ U = up to Level 2
3-3-3 -#-#-Noble #-#-# [3x diamond guardian]
| Street
R Level 2 D = down to Level 1
Level 1 % = ornate white key required