MajorMUD Martial Arts Formula

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MajorMUD Martial Arts Formula

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While trying to figure out the dodge formula, I stumbled onto what looked liked the calculation for martial arts. I did not test this though.

Code: Select all

nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue = (CHAR_LEVEL / 10) + ((CHAR_INT - 50) / 10) + ((CHAR_AGILITY - 50) / 20) + ((CHAR_CHARM - 50) / 30)
if nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue > 75 Then
	nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue = 75
elseif nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue < 1 Then
	nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue = 1
end if
'nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue at this point is stored in NMR unknown value unknown12d(9) - OFFSET 1808 (User record bytes 1809-1810)

CHAR_MARTIAL_ARTS = nSomeUnkownMaybeBaseValue + nOutsideDodgeModifiers + (CHAR_UNKNOWN_U13B_1972) + (CHAR_CHARM / 10) + (CHAR_AGILITY / 5) + (CHAR_LEVEL / 5)
'nOutsideDodgeModifiers = [dodge from: abilities + auras + race + class + items]
'CHAR_UNKNOWN_U13B_1972 = NMR unknown13b - OFFSET 1972 (User record bytes 1973-1974) ... this section of the user record appears to be pre-calculated values like current encumbrance percentage

'if user has jumpkick ability...
if UserHasJumpkickAbility Then
end If
'---[ _calculate_secondary_stats]

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