Current Status / Discussion

The quest to make MegaMUD suck less.
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Re: Current Status / Discussion

Post by BearFather »

I don't code in C of any kind, but been wanting to learn, if you need a hand give me a shout maybe I can learn some C and get this going faster. Are you still trying to do this in C#? If so I'm a Java coder and they are both very similar.

I personally been dabbling at the idea of making a new client, but the truth is I don't want to decode ansi bullshit.

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Re: Current Status / Discussion

Post by myrdyr »

syntax wrote: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:22 pm
Sentinal wrote:Considering that you are the only ones who have the source code, fixing MegaMUD should have been simple. This is a text game. What was the problem that you ran into?
It is coded in vanilla C and and not compile-able in anything even remotely recent. Apathy has been working recently on re-coding some of it to make it compatible.
i've compiled C from the 90s recently, would be happy to share my expertise or findings. Can you post the compile errors and I can suggest how to fix them ?

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