Stolen From:
High Druid Quest. Level 15 restricted
Rewards: 750,000 experience, +1 Spellcasting
129(1) High Druid quest. Reward 70(1), but can go back for EXP Bonus.
129(2) High Druid quest completed. Reward Reward 70(1), 750K exp.
Apparatus/Wererat Quest - Level 25 restricted
Rewards: 5 Million experience, +1 dodge
132(1) Wererat quest completed, Reward 34(1), but can go back for EXP Bonus.
132(2) Wererat quest completed, Reward 34(1), 5M exp.
Phoenix Feather Quest. Level 15 restricted
Rewards: Phoenix Feather, 750K experience
Empty - 'ask old man phoenix'. (old man)
133(1) - Kill dread mystic.
133(2) - Kill smuggler boss.
133(3) - 'ask Orfeo Talespinner morukai'. (Orfeo Talespinner)
133(4) - 'ask Morukai orfeo'. (Morukai)
133(5) - 'ask Morukai components', items 966 ('acid gland'), 972 ('unfertilized eggs'), 994 ('double-terminated quartz'), and 995 ('cave roots') taken. (Morukai)
133(6) - 'ask Morukai return'. (Morukai)
133(7) - 'ask Morukai information', requires item 998 ('golden egg'). (Morukai)
133(8) - 'hurl egg' in room 'Lake of Fire', item 998 ('golden egg') taken (gain 750,000 experience, given item 1000 ('phoenix feather')).
133(9) - Phoenix Feather Quest Completed
Adult Red Dragon Quest. Level 35 restricted.
Rewards: 35 Million Expperience, +1 crits, +2 spellcasting
131(1) Adult Red Dragon quest started? I'm not sure. I've never actually seen this value.
131(2) Adult Red Dragon quest, Reward 58(1), 70(2), but can go back for EXP Bonus.
131(3) Adult Red Dragon quest completed, Reward Reward 58(1), 70(2), 35M exp.
Evil Alignment Quest
1st Evil
Start, no flags for 126,127, or 128
Empty - 'ask nasty-looking man gold', 10,000 copper taken. (nasty-looking man)
128(1) 'ask Balthazar accept'. (Balthazar)
128(2) 'ask Balthazar reward', items 621 ('severed head of Markus') and 622 ('locked wooden box') taken. (Balthazar)
2nd Evil
128(3) 'ask Balthazar return', items 777 ('head of the elf-lord') and 10 776 ('elf-head') taken. (Balthazar)
3rd Evil
128(4) Kill kobold king.
128(5) 'ask shifty dwarf crown', 931 ('iron crown') taken, given item 960 ('small cloth pouch').
128(6) 'harvest mushrooms' in room 'Mushroom Cave', given item 962 ('small black mushrooms').
128(7) 'ask duergar lord ingredients', items 962 ('small black mushrooms') and 927 ('black retchweed') taken. (duergar lord)
128(8) Kill huge obsidian golem.
128(9) 'poison pot' in room 'Royal Kitchen', item 963 ('bag of poison') taken.
128(10) 'ask duergar lord return'. (duergar lord)
128(11) 'ask Balthazar alliance', given item 958 ('black iron chest'). (Balthazar)
4th Evil
128(12) Kill dark phoenix.
128(13) 'ask Balthazar news'. (Balthazar)
5th Evil
128(14) 'ask Enigma Lord balthazar'. (Enigma Lord)
128(15) 'desecrate altar' in room 'The Arlysian Temple, Altar'.
128(16) 'ask Enigma Lord deed'. (Enigma Lord)
128(17) 'ask Enigma Lord bring', requires item 1341 ('red parchment'). (Enigma Lord)
128(18) 'ask Enigma Lord retrieve', requires item 1555 ('long golden chain'). (Enigma Lord)
128(19) 'ask old hermit gift', item 1555 ('long golden chain') taken, given item 1536 ('jagged bone key'). (old hermit)
128(20) 'ask old man prophecy'. (old man)
128(21) Kill Dark Mage.
128(22) Enter Portal *or* 'ask balthazar knowledge'.
128(23) 'ask Balthazar knowledge'. (Balthazar) Obsolete in 1.11p
128(28) Kill Zanthus the Lich
128(29) Ask Balthazar knowledge
128(30) 'ask Balthazar reconcile'. (Balthazar, added for quest exp bonus) Obsolete in 1.11p
128(31) *as far as you can go currently*
Item 621 ('severed head of Markus') and 622 ('locked wooden box') are received when you kill 'Commander Markus'.
Item 777 ('head of the elf-lord') is received when you kill 'woodelf lord'.
Item 776 ('elf-head') is received when you kill 'woodelf ranger', 'woodelf druid', 'woodelf citizen', 'woodelf guard', and 'woodelf wardancer'.
Item 931 ('iron crown') is received when you kill 'kobold king'.
Item 927 ('black retchweed') is received when you kill 'giant two-headed troll'.
Item 948 ('obsidian talisman') is received when you kill 'huge obsidian golem'.
Item 963 ('bag of poison') is received when you 'ask duergar lord transport'.
Item 1341 ('red parchment') is received when you kill 'Dreadlord of Blood'.
Item 1555 ('long golden chain') is received when you kill 'ancient gypsy woman'.
Neutral Alignment Quest
1st Neutral
Empty - 'ask hooded traveller quest'. (hooded traveller)
127(1) 'ask Jorah gaal'. (Jorah)
127(2) 'ask The Grey Lord code word'. (The Grey Lord)
127(3) 'ask Commander Markus festus', given item 622 ('locked wooden box'). (Commander Markus)
127(4) 'ask The Grey Lord box'. (The Grey Lord)
127(5) 'ask Chancellor Annora festus', item 622 ('locked wooden box') taken. (Chancellor Annora)
127(6) 'ask The Grey Lord return'. (The Grey Lord)
2nd Neutral
127(7) 'ask The Grey Lord eye', item 778 ('eye of the beholder') taken. (The Grey Lord)
3rd Neutral
127(8) 'pray' in room 'Overgrown Shrine'.
127(9) 'summon avatar' in room 'Overgrown Shrine', items 959 ('Ice Tear'), 935 ('Eternal Fire'), 949 ('Heartstone') and 941 ('Storm Spirit') taken.
127(10) 'ask The Grey Lord reward', given item 957 ('adamantite chest'). (The Grey Lord)
4th Neutral
127(11) Kill dark phoenix.
127(12) 'ask The Grey Lord destroyed'. (The Grey Lord)
5th Neutral
127(13) 'ask ancient gypsy woman grey lord'. (ancient gypsy woman)
127(14) 'ask ancient gypsy woman webbing', requires item 1683 ('pile of spectral webbing'). (ancient gypsy woman)
127(15) 'ask ancient gypsy woman heart', requires item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart'). (ancient gypsy woman)
127(16) 'ask old hermit gift', item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart') taken, given item 1536 ('jagged bone key'). (old hermit)
127(18) 'ask old man prophecy'. (old man)
127(19) Kill Dark Mage.
127(20) Enter Portal *or* 'ask The Grey Lord knowledge'.
127(21) 'ask The Grey Lord knowledge'. (The Grey Lord) Obsolete in 1.11p
127(28) Kill Zanthus the Lich
127(29) Ask The Grey Lord knowledge
127(30) 'ask The Grey Lord reconcile'. (The Grey Lord, added for quest exp bonus) Obsolete in 1.11p
127(31) *as far as you can go currently*
Item 959 ('Ice Tear') is received when you 'ask water spirit tear' in room 'Ice Jewel Cave'.
Item 935 ('Eternal Fire') is received when you kill 'efreeti'.
Item 949 ('Heartstone') is received when you kill 'gemstone juggernaut'.
Item 941 ('Storm Spirit') is received when you kill 'Kai Master'.
Item 1683 ('pile of spectral webbing') is received when you kill 'arachnigoth' ('Mayor of Arlysia').
Item 1533 ('ancient blackwood heart') is received when you kill 'hanging tree'.
Good Alignment Quest.
126(Flag) To progress to the next step
1st Good
Empty - 'ask wounded messenger mission'. (wounded messenger)
126(1) 'ask Guildmaster messenger'. (Guildmaster)
126(2) 'ask wounded messenger accept'. (wounded messenger)
126(3) 'ask Chancellor Annora messenger'. (Chancellor Annora)
126(4) 'ask Commander Markus letter', given item 622 ('locked wooden box'). (Commander Markus)
126(5) 'ask Chancellor Annora return', item 622 ('locked wooden box') taken. (Chancellor Annora)
2nd Good
126(6) 'ask Chancellor Annora missions'. (Chancellor Annora)
126(7) 'ask Chancellor Annora head', item 684 ('severed head of Goru-Nezar') taken. (Chancellor Annora)
3rd Good
126(8) 'ask King Kulgar business'. (King Kulgar)
126(10) 'ask Loremaster Thulgraf demons'. (Loremaster Thulgraf)
126(11) 'ask Master Smith Martok forge', item 917 ('gleaming shard') taken, given item item 953 ('gleaming dagger'). (Master Smith Martok)
126(12) 'ask gnome enchantress enchant', item 953 ('gleaming dagger') taken, given item 954 ('enchanted dagger'). (gnome enchantress)
126(13) Kill spectral knight, item 954 ('enchanted dagger') taken, given item 955 ('Spirit Dagger of Goijar').
126(14) Kill Gulgulthra, item item 955 ('Spirit Dagger of Goijar') taken.
126(15) 'ask King Kulgar return', given item 956 ('golden chest'). (King Kulgar)
126(16) 'ask Chancellor Annora success'. (Chancellor Annora)
4th Good
126(17) Kill dark phoenix.
126(18) 'ask Chancellor Annora foe'. (Chancellor Annora)
5th Good
126(19) 'ask Pastor Lander annora'. (Pastor Lander)
126(20) 'ask Ghost of Justice Darkbane pastor'. (Ghost of Justice Darkbane)
126(21) 'ask Pastor Lander gem', requires item 1554 ('massive black gem'). (Pastor Lander)
126(22) 'ask old hermit gift', item 1554 ('massive black gem') taken, given item 1536 ('jagged bone key'). (old hermit)
126(24) 'ask old man prophecy'. (old man)
126(25) Kill Dark Mage.
126(26) Enter Portal *or* 'ask Chancellor Annora knowledge'.
126(27) 'ask Chancellor Annora knowledge'. (Chancellor Annora) Obsolete in 1.11p
126(28) Kill Zanthus the Lich
126(29) Ask Chancellor Annora knowledge
126(30) 'ask Chancellor Annora reconcile'. Obsolete in 1.11p
126(31) *as far as you can go currently*
Item 684 ('severed head of Goru-Nezar') is received when you kill 'Goru-Nezar'.
Item 917 ('gleaming shard') is received when you kill 'metallic monstrosity'.
Item 1554 ('massive black gem') is received when you kill 'Death Mist of Ozrinom'.
Enhancement Flags
2(1,2) Modifies you AC value specified by AC(+x/0) (Ice Sorceress Throne Quest / 2nd Alignment Quest by class)
4(1) Increases MAX Damage by 1 (2nd Alignment Quest by class)
22(3) Increases your Accuracy by 3 percent (Golden Chalice Quest)
27(1,2) Increases your stealth by x
32(1) Smash Ability
34(1) Dodge (Wererat quest)
57(1), Gaunt One See Hidden Quest
58(1) Increase Critical chance by 1 percent (Adult She-Dragon Quest)
69(4,6,10) Increases Max Mana by x
70(1-4) Increases Spell Casting by x (2nd Alignment Quest by class, High Druid, or Adult She-Dragon Quest)
117(6,10) Increases Backstab Minimum damage by x (2nd Alignment Quest by class)
118(6,10) Increases Backstab Maximum damage by x (2nd Alignment Quest by class)
Note: Flag 152(1) is also used by as part of the phoenix feather quest as a timer.
152(1) Word of power spoken for access to easy quest trainer, blocks out hard trainer
186(0) Perfect Stealth
187(1) Meditate Ability
Rewards for the 2nd alignment quest
Warrior: +1 Max Damage, 4(1)
Witchunter: +1 Max Damage, 4(1)
Paladin: +1 Max Damage, 4(1)
Cleric: +1 AC, +6 Mana , 2(1), 69(6)
Priest: +1 SC, +10 Mana, 70(1), 69(10)
Missionary: +Stealth, +6 BS Damage, +4 Mana, 27(1),117(6),118(6),69(4)
Ninja: +2 Stealth, +10 BS, 27(2), 117(10), 118(10)
Thief: +2 Stealth, +10 BS Damage, 27(2),117(10),118(10)
Bard: +1 Stealth , +6 BS Damage , +4 Mana, 27(1),117(6),118(6),69(4)
Gypsy: +1 Stealth, +6 BS Damage, +4 Mana, 27(1),117(6),118(6),69(4)
Warlock: +1 AC, +6 Mana , 2(1),69(6)
Mage: +1 SC, +10 Mana, 70(1), 69(10)
Druid: +1 SC, +10 Mana, 70(1), 69(10)
Ranger: +2 Stealth, +10 BS Damage, 27(2), 117(10), 118(10)
Mystic: +1 Max Damage, 4(1)
Champion of Blood (Bishop) Quest. Level 15 restricted.
Rewards: 750,000 experience, +1 dodge.
130(1) Blood Champion quest. Reward 22(3), but can go back for EXP Bonus.
130(2) Blood Champion quest completed. Reward 22(3), 750K exp.
Ice Sorceress Quest. Level 15 restricted.
Rewards: 750,000 experience, +1 AC
125(1) Ice Sorceress quest. Reward 2(1), but can go back for EXP Bonus.
125(2) Ice Sorceress quest completed. Reward 2(1), 750K exp.
Witchunter Quest. Level 15/50 restricted.
50(1-4) Mage Bane Quest Lvl 15 and Draka Blade Quest Lvl 40
Start, no flag for 50 'ask huge dwarven witchunter sword'
50(1) 'ask huge dwarven witchunter witchunter' (gives rolled parchment and dirty obsidian key)
50(2) 'ask inquisitor fulgore Messenger (gives ancient obsidian key)
50(2) 'ask inquisitor fulgore return (takes irikani head, gives iron key and medal of flame)
50(3) 'ask huge dwarven witchunter draka '
50(4) 'ask huge dwarven witchunter visit (gives chipped obsidian key)
Note that there is no "finished" or "completed" flag for this quest.
Dao Lord Quest. Level 20 restricted.
Rewards: 2 million experience, Sunstone Wristband
Empty - 'ask nekojin elder traders'. (nekojin elder)
134(1) - 'ask guard sergeant head', item 1152 ('saracen head') taken. (guard sergeant)
134(2) - 'ask Meia box', item 1154 ('heavy box') taken. (Meia)
134(3) - 'ask Master Trader Tolgard return'. (Master Trader Tolgard)
134(4) - 'ask seeress accept'. (seeress)
134(5) - 'peruse blue book' in room 'Golden Spire, Secret Library'.
134(6) - 'peruse red book' in room 'Golden Spire, Secret Library'.
134(7) - 'ask seeress return'. (seeress)
134(8) - 'ask withered old man ale', item 1161 ('dwarven ale') taken. (withered old man)
134(9) - Kill Pharaoh Rastep.
134(10) - Kill Dao Lord (gain 2,000,000 experience).
134(11) - 'ask Orfeo Talespinner dao' (given item 1180 ('sunstone wristband')). (Orfeo Talespinner)
134(12) - Dao Lord Quest Complete
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