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Generative AI & MajorMUD

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 9:31 am
by Rothchild
I occasionally try talking to generative AI about MajorMUD which generally sucked, confusing MajorMUD for all MUD's. The other day I was talking to Gemma-1.1-7b-it, and it wasn't bad, especially for such a small model. Years ago I converted the game's database to SQLite (thanks to Nightmare Redux) and worked on cleaning it up. While unfinished like all my projects I got it down to under 20 MB. Looking for the easiest way to cram it up an AI's backside I decided get a month of OpenAI for GPT-4. I always wanted a wiki for the game's lore, so with that in mind I fed it some select textblocks, the Epic of Ages by Jiggs Longthorne. There was some fighting and hallucinating, but eventually I got;
### The Great War

The Great War was a cataclysmic conflict that devastated numerous regions, reshaping the geopolitical landscape. Major cities were destroyed by Hellfire, with many civilians killed or displaced into dismal living conditions. The isolated cities of Daerlon, Silvermere, and Goldhome, along with the elven forests and dwarven strongholds, remained relatively unscathed due to their unique defenses and geographical locations. The war began not with grand signals but subtly, with the murder of a merchant on the Forest Road, escalating to widespread violence that drew in various kingdoms and races.

**Key Locations and Events**
- **Silvermere**: Under the governance of Humpfrey Lionheart, this city became central to the early conflicts of the war. It was here that the High King arrived, bringing with him a diverse and formidable entourage, marking a period of initial celebration followed by intense military engagements.
- **Forest Road and Western Road**: These critical trade routes were severely disrupted during the war, affecting the economic stability and military logistics of the region.
- **The Blue Tower and the Huge Cave**: Sites of significant battles, these locations were pivotal in the skirmishes against organized banditry led by goblins and ogres.

**Significant Figures**
- **Humpfrey Lionheart**: The governor of Silvermere who played a crucial role in the city's defense and its political maneuvers during the war.
- **The High King**: Leader of the allied forces, his strategic decisions were instrumental in several key battles. His arrival in Silvermere was a turning point in the war effort.
- **Godfrey and Ca'trine**: Notable figures in the King's party, they were pivotal in various military operations. Ca'trine, known also as Doggie Doober, was a symbol of the diverse and integrated forces fighting in the war.

**Military Tactics and Races Involved**
The war was characterized by the involvement of mixed races and classes, including humans, elves, dwarves, Kang warriors, and half-ogre troops. The use of guerilla tactics by the Kang, the impenetrable defenses of the dwarves, and the magic of the elves highlighted the diverse military strategies employed.

**Conclusion of the War**
The conflict ended with significant casualties and a reshaped political landscape. The survival of certain isolated and magically protected areas allowed for the slow recovery and rebuilding of the affected regions. The Great War remains a poignant reminder of the devastating impacts of widespread conflict and the resilience of diverse communities in the face of adversity.
I'm curious how many people will think Doggie Doober is a hallucination.

I then fed the SQL dump of the textblocks table to the Data Analyst. There was still a bit of hallucinating, but it was decent at talking about characters and events. It was better than GPT-3 at telling me why it said something. That was the longest I had talked to an AI and found it both frustrating and enjoyable. After that I did the only logical thing and gave a new Data Analyst an SQL dump of the entire game database. It did pretty well, though it got a bit forgetful new the end, maybe context length issue. After skimming the Rooms table it had this description of Newhaven;
1. **Village Entrance**:
- Looking towards the entrance, you see the crude wooden gates that mark the village's boundary. The gates stand within a low wooden palisade that stretches around the perimeter, serving as a sturdy barrier against external threats. The path leading to these gates is dusty, well-trodden by the villagers and travelers coming into Newhaven.

2. **Weapon and Armour Shops**:
- Nearby, the flickering glow of lamplight spills from the open doorways of the weapon and armour shops. The clinking of metal and murmur of transactions indicate a steady business, catering to adventurers and guardsmen seeking to equip themselves for their endeavors.

3. **General and Spell Shops**:
- The general store's windows display an array of goods from basic provisions to handy tools, inviting passersby to replenish their supplies. Not far from it, the spell shop offers a stark contrast with its dim lighting and mysterious aura. Through its windows, you might glimpse strange ornaments and the shadowy figure of an old man attending to curious customers.

4. **Narrow Road and Arena**:
- The narrow road branches off from the village center, lined with lanterns that cast a soft glow in the twilight. Occasional sounds of clash and cheer hint at the arena nearby, where combatants test their mettle, surrounded by spectators hungry for entertainment.

5. **Healer's Room**:
- On a quieter side, the healer’s room offers a stark, solemn refuge. The clean, bright torchlight reveals bare stone walls and the essential tools of the healing trade, presided over by a stocky man with a black beard— a silent testament to the care and recovery of those who fall in their adventurous pursuits.
Then I had it read Balthazar's description in the Monsters table and had it search Textblocks for mentions of his description;
Balthazar is an enigmatic and formidable figure cloaked in the shadows of power and malevolence. Standing tall, his presence is marked by a sinister aura that chills the air around him. His eyes, glowing a deep red, seem to pierce through the souls of those he encounters, leaving a trail of unease and dread. Adorned in the finest silks that contrast sharply with his dark demeanor, Balthazar exudes a sense of luxury and danger. His teeth, sharp and white, occasionally flash into a sinister smile, revealing his predatory nature. The expensive jewelry he wears clinks softly as he moves, each piece echoing his wealth and status in the underworld. His voice, when he speaks, is both commanding and smooth, weaving a spell of fear and fascination.

Balthazar’s interactions suggest a character deeply woven into the fabric of his dark world, wielding considerable influence and power. His actions are calculated, whether he's casually inspecting a newcomer with a disinterested glance or laughing ominously at tales of misdeeds and woe. The power he commands is not just in his stature but also in his mastery of dark magic, as evidenced by his ability to summon mystical objects or manipulate energies with a mere gesture. The rooms he inhabits or visits are often filled with an air of tension, as allies and foes alike are wary of his next move. Despite his foreboding presence, there is an allure to Balthazar's character, drawing others into his schemes and battles—a testament to his complex nature as a villain who is both feared and revered in equal measure.
My next project is to put it on a MySQL server and give SQL Chat access to it. The upcoming Gemini 1.5 is supposed to have insane context length and recollection, so got that to look forward to. Just to be clear, I'm cherry picking bits of long conversations. It's far from perfect, but it has been entertaining and makes me excited for what's next.