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How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 2:56 am
by syntax
fb_mudinfo.png (28.93 KiB) Viewed 23138 times
The admins of the facebook groups have banned me due to my persistance in trying to make people understand my desire for information preservation. That's OK. I'll continue to provide this site and the tools I have created (MMUD Explorer and NMR). I'll keep pushing on, doing my part to help this community and they can keep bashing me for doing so.

One day the people that have this wealth of knowledge won't be around on the Facebook groups or care to respond to people anymore. While there is an abundance of information on, there is a lot missing. While the game is old, it still evolves. Without a centralized place for that information, MajorMUD will cease to exist. Pardon me for wanting to prevent that from happening.

I have only ever asked, and continue to ask for 1 thing: For any information that is shared on the facebook groups that is not already on, please take the few seconds to post it on so that information can be preserved and indexed so others can find it in the future. This is not limited to game content or development info. It's also important to preserve troubleshooting steps for game clients, board setups, etc.

Ideally, if anyone would like to help keep this community growing, you would do the following:
  1. Instead of posting your question directly to the facebook groups, post your question here.
  2. Paste a link to the topic to the facebook group.
    • I have made this incredibly easy to do as there is a button on every post, at the bottom-right-hand corner, to post it to facebook. You can also do this manually by just copying the URL and pasting it yourself.
  3. Profit. Everybody wins.
Thank you for your support.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:22 am
by BearFather
First I agree this needs to be the hotbed for info and not facebook. I also understand your frustration, when people ask a question in FB and not here.

Now for the other side,

FB is much easier to post too and more people will see the questions.(Okay that's all I have)

I don't agree about you getting banned from the mud group. That's just stupid. But at the same time you got a tad pushy, and when you gonna learn mud players don't change cause you say so. Hell we still playing a 20yr game, and try to edit it to make it fun and interesting instead of moving on to a new modern game. Hell how many of us have made remakes, which improve mud? And did any of those take off?

The sad fact is you are right people need to post in here, the other sad fact is your screaming at a wall.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:51 am
by syntax
BearFather wrote:FB is much easier to post too and more people will see the questions.(Okay that's all I have)
I have never said the Facebook groups should go away. To play devils advocate though, the biggest reason "more people see the questions" is because they frequent here less because of the existence of the Facebook groups. If the Facebook groups didn't exist, more people would be active here and then the same number of people would see the questions, albeit maybe not as quickly. Possibly some people take that view of mine as me saying they shouldn't exist. Reality is people see the Facebook questions faster because everyone has their heads in their phones swiping their news feeds all day long.

I realize the groups aren't going away. My only request was people take the time to either a) post the information here afterwards, or b) (ideally) post the question here and post the link to the facebook group. Only downside is people will still respond on the FB item, but it's a least better than missing out on archiving everything.
BearFather wrote:But at the same time you got a tad pushy, and when you gonna learn mud players don't change cause you say so.
I've learned that a long time ago, but just because "something is the way it is" doesn't mean you shouldn't try to make it better and do the right thing.

"Pushy" is certainly not the intention of my posts. I'm not trying to tell people to stop posting on Facebook. I'm trying to get the people that have any ounce of vested interest in the survival of this game to give two flying fucks about information preservation. What riles me up is when some people simply can't comprehend what I'm trying to achieve. What riles me up even more is when people try to tell me I'm actually being selfish about all of this... like, seriously??

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 8:04 pm
by Raybdbomb
*shrug* I don't get it.

I'm just happy there's some activity in this space again. Feels like it was quiet for way too long.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 10:38 pm
by BearFather
I got to tell you came off as a dick, and I'm on your side with this. I personally use FB for mud groups, I would prefer a forum only world. But that is never gonna happen again. Trust me it's much easier to point someone to a forum post, then telling hey somewhere in the FB group there is a post with that info.

It be easier if we could scrape FB but when you did that was kinda ugly and time consuming. I really don't have a solution for you either.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 1:36 pm
by Joker
Let me start by saying I am an avid reader and poster to the mudinfo forums, and certainly appreciate the effort that went (and goes) into the creation and maintenance of this site. It is people like you (Syntax) and Vitoc (GreaterMud) who have kept the game alive for FAR longer than it should have lasted. That being said, I must comment on this quote:
One day the people that have this wealth of knowledge won't be around on the Facebook groups or care to respond to people anymore.
I think when this day comes, the reason will be that the last of the MajorMud playing gamers has passed away. I really don't see this game becoming a popular past-time for any generation of players other than those who began playing when it first came out. The only reason I continue to play is the magical memories of that first run to the Adult She-Dragon, dragging friends and foes alike in one cohesive gaggle in an attempt to bring down the beast of all beasts! Even the Zanthus runs of today just don't compare to the excitement and nervousness we had back then, staying up until 3 am trying to recover your death pile from the dragon and having to go to work the next morning. Even among the hard-core players of MajorMud today, you just can't relive the magic of when you first started playing the game. Today's youth will never understand, nor care. The sad fact is, eventually, MajorMud will be a long-forgotten ancient text scrolling game played by a select group of people in a time long past. I just don't know how important it really is to capture the knowledge base in a single forum, as the only people who will ever see it (or care about it) are those who currently play, and probably think they know all they need to know in order to play.

Just my two cents on the subject, and not meant to offend or rattle any feathers. I do appreciate and will continue to read/post/utilize this captured knowledge base until my (eventual) arthritic fingers will no longer allow me to play the game.


Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:31 pm
by MiOw
"If the Facebook groups didn't exist, more people would be active here"... "some people take that view of mine as me saying they shouldn't exist."

The two are not, as far as A = A goes, synonymous though it still baffles me why the standard, no emotion response was not "Please post this question to and link here to make future access to the answer easier for others" without regard to how often it need be posted. There would always be a small trickle of members into or out of the group asking the same old questions, needing the same old redirect. Never understood the negative emotion around it if the goal is preservation. Early on I struggled several times finding what I was looking for on here before posting on the FB group, only to have you or some other kind soul link me to a thread in which it may not have been the primary topic. Over time I became more familiar with, and willing to, look at how the search logic works and have since become a bit more efficient.

That all said, as a non-playing board host, but hardly what I would call a Sysop, I find this site to be indispensable and often refer users to it, or link to a thread, whenever possible but feel no ill-will otherwise. My thanks to you Matt for your work in making what was an early-years game accessible to us all for many more to come... my hat is off to you.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:11 am
by BearFather
One Request, can you make that landing page a dark color, this is the first website I hit in the morning and waking up to a white background is hell on the eyes.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:32 am
by syntax
BearFather wrote:One Request, can you make that landing page a dark color, this is the first website I hit in the morning and waking up to a white background is hell on the eyes.

Re: How this community has changed from the days of

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 9:53 am
by BearFather
Thank you so much!