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Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:30 pm
by syntax
Created by " Ravyn of CodeRed BBS "

Here is the way to set up a really simple @home for new non-stock non-roaming bosses in mega.
It unfortunately does not work as efficiently as the stock mega @homes due to mega's lack of
sophistication in message response programming but it does the job and is pretty easy to
set up, the major drawback is you have to be IN THE ROOM WITH MUDBOT to get the results, or on
broadcast channel with him. The major thing mega lacks in message responses is variable storage
beyond one message response and the ability to use conditions (AND, IF, OR, NOT, etc) so unfortunately
you cannot make it telepath back. The other side effect of this is mudbot will spew a home or not
home to the temple room when someone telepaths him a stock mega @home, but personally its not an issue
id rather have the new @home capability than worry about somethin like that. You decide if its
right for your board, if members want @homes on all the new monsters to me its worth it.

Step one, give mudbot sysop/mudop commands and put him on broadcast channel 1.

Step two, instruct your members to go to broadcast channel 1 for mudbot to perform @homes

Step three, set up the following message responses on mudbot

Please pay attention to EXACT capitalization and punctuation in the following responses.

---Go into game data/message responses, create a response called "@home broadcast alive"

Message: Specific Monster is Alive

Response: ((MonCheck: Alive Now!))^Mbr ((MonCheck: Alive Now!!))^M

"find anywhere in text", "find in conversations" both checked.

---next, create another response called "@home broadcast killtime"

Message: Last Killed: {1} (RG: {2})

Response: ((MonCheck: Killed {1}, {2} hr rgn))^Mbr ((MonCheck: Killed {1}, {2} hr rgn))^M

"find anywhere in text", "find in conversations" both checked.

---next, create entries for each non-stock monster you add, I'll use great green dragon
---as an example since stock mega never included it.
---name it "@home great green dragon"

Message: @home great green dragon

Response: sys stat room 3111 1^M

"find anywhere in text", "find in conversations" both checked.


when user types, telepaths, or broadcasts mudbot "@home monstername" they will get a result saying
either (unknown), ((MonCheck: Alive Now!)), or ((MonCheck: Killed 01-Jan-13 12:00:00, 28 hour regen))
both in the temple and on broadcast channel 1.

The user must do the math in their head for the regen time vs stock mega saying "8 hours to regen" etc.

Also note this process takes over for the stock mega @homes, you are modifying it to work a little

repeat process with the name and room # of each of your non-stock monsters

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 5:50 pm
by Necrosaro420
So I can get this working if I manually add the room # one listed (Ie, created your own monster, and it sys checks room etc). How does this work with existing/stock monsters? (Thrag etc). I just get a command not recogized thing.

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:54 pm
by BearFather
Sounds like you have the sys command wrong, or the user doesn't have the ability to look up room info.
Make sure you are doing "sys st room 1810 1", and they have sys powers.

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 10:44 pm
by Necrosaro420
Yeah I figured it out. Was a corrupted mega install I guess. I deleted and reinstalled and works just fine now.

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2018 1:41 pm
by Ravyn
Also note if users prefer to use stock mega @homes for stock monsters (so it telepaths them back instead of broadcasting it on channel 1) you can direct them to bounce those off your sysop char (if you play) instead of mudbot. Some folks don't like others seeing what they're looking up, especially at new resets when the race is on... :)

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 11:39 am
by flashenator
Hey quick question... it seems like @homes only work if you select any of the "Allowed Remote Control" check boxes under a user's Game Data in Mega.

Is there a workaround for this?Image

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2018 7:08 pm
by Bloodrock
no but make sure your setting it on the bot and bot has mudop or sysop key

Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 10:00 am
by Julian
@home hydra

doesn't work.. does nothing


sys st room 1810 1


either telepath or broadcast ch 1


Re: Creating an @home bot.

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 8:58 am
by Bloodrock
hydra is not in the megamud db thats why it does not work you can however create a @alive for it or whatever would work.