For those who have been playing at MudHole.

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Joined: Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:50 pm

For those who have been playing at MudHole.

Post by Bodhi »

Just wanted to give a heads up in case anyone from the MudHole BBS reads these forums. About a week ago with a pop the computer running mudhole went down. I intended to switch the game over to a newer system but it went down before I could get to it. Unfortunately when I went to plug in the hard drive to the newer system I got the familiar clicking sound and the hard drive turned out to be unrecoverable. I had a little trouble getting validated on this forum so I couldn't advertise the new game, which for you is essentially a reset, so I started it up earlier today and left the address the same in case anyone was still trying to log in as I don't know of anywhere else but this forum to advertise it. Tonight I was able to post. The address and the settings are the same. 2x exp, 3 chars, no limiteds. All I changed was the name to Infinite Space. It is however running on a much faster and more reliable PC. Hope to see you back. Sorry about having to start over.

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